Concerning the Holy Supper – part 4

Scripture Text: Luke 22:19-20

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Luke 22:19-20

From the Confessions: The Defense of the Augsburg Confession

Concerning the Holy Supper 

We have cited these testimonies, not to prompt a discussion here on the subject, for His Imperial Majesty does not disapprove of this article, but so that all who read them may clearly perceive that we defend the doctrine received by the entire Church: that in the Lord’s Supper the body and blood of Christ are truly and substantially present, and are truly offered with those things that are seen, bread and wine. We speak of the presence of the living Christ, for we know that, "death no longer has dominion over him” (Rom 6:9).

Pulling It Together

Holy Communion is not something that we do; it is something that God does for us. It is not an act or ritual that we perform; it is an activity of God that we receive. We eat and drink bread and wine but we receive body and blood. We are given Christ himself. This is important to understand. Grace comes to us in Holy Communion because God comes to us. “This is my body, which is given for you.” In this giving of himself, his body and blood, we become his body and by this grace, share in his eternal glory.

Prayer: Help me, Holy Spirit, to remember all the benefits of your grace. Amen.

Of One Mind and Purpose is a six-session study examines the unique way in which the Bible describes being united in Christ. It explains how God’s Word can either divide people or bring them together in faith, showing how the relationship we have with one another in the Church comes through Christ alone.

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