Concerning Repentance – part 17

Scripture Text: Mark 16:19

The power of the keys binds things in heaven, not just on earth. When a “door” is unlocked or locked on earth in the name of Christ, it is done in heaven too.

Concerning Repentance – part 16

Scripture Text: Romans 4:20–25

So we confess that our holiness, our works of contrition, is insufficient for the remission of sins, while faith in Christ merits forgiveness of sin...

Concerning Repentance – part 15

Scripture Text: Psalm 38:18–22

It is not enough to be sorry for our sin. Nor is it enough to do good. For we cannot assist ourselves. Instead, we must avail ourselves of the mercy of God in Christ Jesus.

Concerning Repentance – part 14

Scripture Text: Romans 4:4–5

Although we should certainly “fear, love, and trust God” (Small Catechism), these things, including the fear of God (attrition), do not earn grace.

Concerning Repentance – part 12

Scripture Text: John 11:23–26

Since the consequence of sin is death, it is no wonder there is the felt need to confess all sins. Perhaps, we might imagine, if we could confess them all, we might overcome death.

Concerning Repentance – part 9

Scripture Text: Colossians 1:21–23

There is nothing confusing about the gospel when it is heard with the ears of faith. We confess that Christ has killed our sinful old nature through his own death on the cross.

Concerning Repentance – part 8

Scripture Text: Psalm 145:8–9

Our anxieties about sin may be managed on the surface with words and semantics, but when the test is applied in the heart, these matters turn out differently.

Concerning Repentance – part 7

Scripture Text: Psalm 103:8–13

Look to the Word. What is written? How far does God say that he hurls our offenses? “As far as the east is from the west,” is how far he removes our sins from us.

Concerning Repentance – part 3

Scripture Text: 2 Corinthians 7:9–10

The doctrine of faith is no small matter, for true repentance depends upon faith. Repentance needs faith to believe that God is so merciful toward us that our sins have been forgiven for Christ’s sake.

Concerning Repentance – part 2

Scripture Text: Acts 3:18–21

What are we to do but to turn again and again to Christ? The heart of this turning, this repentance, is faith. We believe that in turning from our sins to Christ, those sins are blotted out.

Concerning Repentance – part 1

Scripture Text: Psalm 51:7–17

God creates clean hearts within us. This happens when we are first, stricken in our consciences, and then, have faith that God will forgive us and make us righteous for Christ’s sake.

Concerning Confession – part 8

Scripture Text: Isaiah 44:22–23

Confession must lead to Christ—not to more and more confession. Christ is the focus, not ourselves. Therefore forgiveness must be the outcome of confession, not the tyranny of a guilty conscience.

Concerning Confession – part 5

Scripture Text: 1 Corinthians 10:12–13

Our focus should be Christ, not our sins. One can spend so much time in introspection and the endless recounting of sin that Christ is lost in the shuffle.

Concerning Confession – part 3

Scripture Text: Acts 2:42–43

As Christ is known to us in the breaking of the bread, the early Church assembled to know Christ in his Supper, the Apostles’ teaching, prayer, and fellowship.

Concerning Confession – part 2

Scripture Text: 1 John 1:7-10

Confession and absolution provide persons of faith with the regular assurance that their sins are forgiven because of what Christ has accomplished for them.

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