Concerning Repentance – part 8

Scripture Text: Psalm 145:8–9

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Psalm 145:8–9

From the Confessions: The Defense of the Augsburg Confession

Concerning Repentance 

When can a terrified conscience be able to decide whether it fears God for his own sake, or is fleeing from eternal punishments—especially in those serious, true, and great terrors which are described in the Psalms and the prophets, and which are certainly experienced by those who are truly converted? These great causes may be defined in letters and terms but in fact, they are not as distinguishable as these cunning sophists imagine.

Pulling It Together: Our anxieties about sin may sometimes be managed on the surface with words and semantics, but when the test is applied in the heart, these matters turn out differently. For the conscience cannot be fooled, nor will it find peace with God by spinning words. There is nothing to be done when the conscience is troubled other than to trust in and appeal to God’s mercy. His mercy is not decided by our love and devotion. Nor does he determine to not be gracious to us because we are simply frightened of wrath, damnation, and hell. This is easily understood when we finally come to believe that we are not in any way responsible for God’s actions. His favor toward us does not occur because we either love him or fear his punishment. His favor arrives because we be believe his word, that he is graciously disposed to us for Christ’s sake. We are able to repent and know with certainty that God forgives us when we have faith that God’s mercy depends upon Christ alone. This faith in Christ is what brings peace to troubled consciences. 

Prayer: Holy Spirit, enlarge my vision of your love. Amen. 

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Learning About Communion teaches the meaning of Holy Communion according to the pattern of Luther's Small Catechism, and is recommended for the Fifth Grade Level. Each week focuses on a specific Bible story which illustrates the theme, with additional references from Scripture andLuther's Small Catechism - Children's Version. Lessons emphasize the sacramental promise of the forgiveness of sins conveyed to us in the body and blood of our Lord Jesus Christ. This booklet was designed to be used as a Sunday School unit, or for classes to prepare students for their First Communion.

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