Concerning the Invocation of Saints – part 15

Scripture Text: Psalm 10:17

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Psalm 10:17

From the Confessions: The Defense of the Augsburg Confession

Concerning the Invocation of Saints 

Confidence in mercy arises from both the promise and the bestowal of merits. Such trust in the divine promise and in the merits of Christ ought to be the foundation of prayer. For we ought to be truly confident that we are heard for Christ’s sake, and that by His merits we have a reconciled Father.

Pulling It Together

Christian prayer must be founded upon both God’s promise and the merits of Christ. We may confidently approach God because he has promised to hear our prayers. How often we pray that his will be done, and when we ask according to his will, he hears us (1 John 5:14). But he also hears us when we pray in Jesus’ name. Because of what he has accomplished, the Son is now our mediator before God. The Father hears us because we have the Son as intercessor. By this is not meant the mere invoking of his name at the end of our prayers. Rather, we come before his Father, as it were, as though Jesus himself sent us with this request for God. As God would not ignore his beloved Son, he will not ignore the one whom Jesus has sent, the one who prays in his name.

Imagine yourself, kneeling at the throne of God, praying in Jesus’ name, while Jesus sits at his Father’s right hand listening and nodding his approval. This is how boldly and confidently we ought to draw near to the throne of grace where we will most certainly receive mercy and find grace to help in time our of need (Heb 4:16).

Prayer: Keep forever, O Lord, the purposes of your will in the hearts of your people, and direct their hearts toward you. Amen.

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This is Most Certainly True! is a six-chapter mid-week Lenten Series features monologues from Martin Luther himself, based on his writings in the Large Catechism. Luther explains eloquently and simply what each part of the catechism means for us as believers and ends it with an affirmation of certainty: "This is most certainly true!"

Luther's thoughts have been transformed here into dramatic monologues so that we might hear and meditate on the foundations of our Christian faith. In addition to a sample worship service outline, there are hymns suggestions for each monologue and opening dialogues for worship based on the parts of the Small Catechism.

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