Concerning the Marriage of Priests – part 43

Scripture Text: Romans 1:18

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Romans 1:18

From the Confessions: The Defense of the Augsburg Confession

Concerning the Marriage of Priests 

We see the great vice that God denounced before the flood, what he condemned before the burning of the five cities. Similar vices have preceded the destruction of many other cities like Sybaris and Rome. In these is presented a picture of the times that will precede the end of things.

Pulling It Together: We do not like to think of a wrathful God. Yet a holy God is by default, angry at times. His anger is stirred by willful disobedience, by those who think they know better than he does. So, those who willfully disobey him when he has been so generous in providing a way of escape from the disobedience of sexual vice, will certainly taste his wrath—if not in this life, then worse, in eternity. How horrible that this disobedience is encouraged in the churches, where God’s will and ways should be taught as a comfort to his people.

Prayer: Thy will be done, Lord. Amen.

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