Concerning Monastic Vows – part 37

Scripture Text: 2 Timothy 2:14–16

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2 Timothy 2:14–16

From the Confessions: The Defense of the Augsburg Confession

Concerning Monastic Vows 

Likewise, they do not hear or teach the gospel about the free forgiveness of sins for Christ’s sake, about the righteousness of faith, about real repentance, about works that have God’s command. They are occupied with either philosophical discussions or traditional ceremonies that obscure Christ.

Pulling It Together: The Word of God must be proclaimed with clarity, putting useless arguments aside in favor of the gospel. The best way to accomplish this is to cut a straight path through the Scripture, not turning to the side to chase rabbits. Our use of the Word must always cut straight to Christ. He is the goal of every verse. And so must be our worship. If hymns and prayers and preaching do not point to Christ and do so quickly and clearly, we are better off without them.

Prayer: Show me, O Lord, your truth, for Christ’s sake. Amen.

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Many Gifts, One Lord considers grace in relation to the gifts of the Holy Spirit in order to show that the grace of God is free to flow with all those gifts without causing division and disharmoney in the body of Christ. It is interesting that we really never seem to tire of gifts. Sad to say many go through life not even aware that they have specific gifts; which could not only be a blessing to themselves but to others. 

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