The Smalcald Articles – part 59

Scripture Text: John 5:39–40

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John 5:39–40

From the Confessions: The Smalcald Articles 

When we distinguish the pope’s teaching from, and compare it to Holy Scripture, it is clear that the pope’s teaching, at best, has been taken from the pagan law of the empire. It deals with political matters, judgments, and rights, as the decretals show. Consequently, it teaches about ceremonies of the churches, vestments, food, staff, and numerous other trivial, theatrical, and comical things. In all these things, nothing at all is mentioned about Christ, faith, and the commandments of God.

Pulling It TogetherSola Christus (Christ alone) was a predominant teaching of the Reformation. It should still be the foremost teaching of the Church today, as Christ is the central teaching of Scripture, and because the Church should always be reforming (Ecclesia semper reformanda est). Reformation happens when Christ is the chief teaching of the church. When matters of performance and concerns over procedure are dominant, they can eventually be considered central to salvation. Sola Christus means that salvation is located in Christ alone, not in mundane civil, or even religious, concerns.

Prayer: Reform your Church, O Lord, through Christ alone. Amen.

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The Sola Music Series offers simple collections of easy-to-play worship music, including new songs and arrangements of old favorites. Based in a confessional theology and a respect for the historical and sacramental liturgy, these resources do not require a high level of musical expertise. Written in a simple and straight-forward style, these songs are intended for congregations that would like to explore a less formal musical style in worship, while still maintaining the integrity of the traditional order of worship. Such music would fit into what is sometimes referred to as "contemporary" or "blended" worship, without necessarily requiring a full band of experienced musicians and singers to lead the songs. Providing lead sheets for guitar and vocals, along with full scores for piano, Sola Publishing grants to those who purchase this volume the permission to reproduce words and music of the songs within for local congregational use.

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