The Small Catechism – part 3

Scripture Text: Luke 9:23

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Luke 9:23

From the Confessions: The Small Catechism 

Therefore, I implore you all for God’s sake, my dear colleagues who are pastors or preachers, to wholeheartedly devote yourselves to your office by having pity on those entrusted to you, and by helping us teach the Catechism to the people, especially the young.

Pulling It Together

Our culinary palates may develop, given experience, but the basics remain the same. The food groups used to make exotic dishes are the same as simple dishes. We cannot stray far from what nourishes, though we might spice it up a bit.

The Catechism is basic to the Christian faith. The Ten Commandments, the Lord’s Prayer, the Sacraments, and what is taught in the Apostles’ Creed are not only essential, but feed our spirits throughout life. One can never get far from these fundamentals.

So, pastors, teach it early and often. Never give up. Refer to the commandments, the petitions, the Sacraments, and the articles as you teach, preach, and counsel. Make it a part of your everyday language.

And, Christian, meditate on these essential teachings of the faith. Recite the commandments as you wait on worship to begin, or for that matter, when you are waiting in line at the grocery or filling your gas tank. Use the Catechism—daily, often—and grow in faith. The Catechism is not something we learn and then forget. It is something we grow into each day of our lives.

Prayer: Help me, Spirit of God, to walk in the Word today. Amen.

Click here for resources to begin memorizing the Ten Commandments.

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Views of Baptism is written for a range of readers including the parent or sponsor about to baptize a child, the adult who wants to understand baptism more fully, and the professional teacher or preacher who needs the truth about baptism stated simply but backed by careful research. This books explores three views of baptism: the individual-centered view, the means-of-grace view, and the Roman Catholic view. It includes a description of how Christian baptism came to us in stages from its Jewish roots. A question and answer section addresses specific matters often raised when people contemplate baptism.

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