The Large Catechism – part 93

Scripture Text: Acts 16:25

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From the Word: But about midnight, Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns to God, and the prisoners were listening to them. (Acts 16:25)

From the ConfessionsThe Large Catechism, The Ten Commandments

The Third Commandment

But this is not so constrained to a certain time, I say, as with the Jews, that it had to be observed on this or that exact day. In itself, one day is no better than another. To be sure, we should worship daily. However, since the people cannot be in attendance daily, there should be at least one day a week set apart. Since from olden days Sunday has been appointed for this purpose, we also should continue doing so, in order that everything is done in harmonious order, and no one creates disorder by unnecessary innovation.

Pulling It Together: Christians worship, not only when commanded, but when there is need. Are you a sinner in need of forgiveness? Worship. Are you thankful? Worship. Would you hear God’s will, or just need to hear from him? Worship. Is there a special situation in your life that requires God’s help? Worship. Do not wait until the next Sunday. Worship. If there is no opportunity at your church today, spend some additional time with God in prayer. I do not mean simply talking to him. Listen as well, not just sitting there with all of the day’s concerns flooding heart and mind. Open his Word and listen. Perhaps even sing a hymn or Scripture song. Make some glad melody in your heart (Eph 5:19). Worship. Today.

Prayer: Help me, Lord, to worship in spirit and in truth. Amen.

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C Is for Christmas — A group of children get together to put on a Christmas program for their church and can’t decide whether to present a program about Christmas hymns, symbolic ornaments for the Church’s Christmas tree, or the meaning of Christmas. Rather than argue about it, they decide to do all three. This delightful Christmas program is written to include all ages in Sunday School and is a downloadable PDF. 

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