Lessons in the Lutheran Confessions

Scripture Text: 1 Peter 3:14–15

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1 Peter 3:14–15

From the Confessions: The Smalcald Articles 

Accordingly, I have compiled these articles and presented them to our delegates. They have accepted them, and unanimously received them as our confession. It has been resolved that they be publicly delivered as the Confession of our Faith, if the Pope and his adherents should ever be so bold as to seriously and in good faith, without lying and cheating, to hold a truly free Christian Council.

Pulling It Together: When you are brought before a group you should not have anxiety about what you should testify, since the Spirit will teach you in the moment the words that need to be spoken (Luke 12:11-12). But if you have the time to get prepared, study and write for the benefit of anyone called to make the good confession (Matt 16:16; 1 Tim 6:12). This is precisely what Luther did for his contemporaries—and for all who would make the good confession that we are saved through faith in Christ alone. Beyond that confession, there is no hope.

Prayer: Give me peace, Lord, to honor you in my heart and with my mouth. Amen.

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The Word of Life Series is a resource for those looking to develop small groups built around the Word of God. This model of small-group ministry is an excellent tool for evangelism since it is rooted in prayer and Scripture. Its primary focus is to empower those who believe in Jesus Christ, to be comfortable sharing their faith and inviting others to experience a transformed life in our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

• Unit 1   • Unit 2   • Unit 3

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